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Zhucun Formation
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Zhucun Fm base reconstruction

Zhucun Fm


Age Interval: 
Early Cretaceous, K1zc (36b)


Type Locality and Naming

SE Zhejiang (local small basins). The Zhucun Formation was erected by the Zhejiang Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources in 1989. The section for the designation is from Yuzhuang to Zhucun of the Lishui County of Zhejiang.

Lithology and Thickness

The Zhucun Formation is mainly represented by gray and gray purple intermediate lava and intermediate and acid pyroclastic rocks with sedimentary rocks, which is roughly divided into two parts. Lower part is built up by massive dacitic vitric ignimbrite, rhyolite and andesitic breccia agglomerate. Upper part is gray green and gray yellow massive rhyolitic vitric tuff with pyroxene andesite, thin-bedded tuffaceous fine sandstone interbedded with siltstone and mudstone. The top of the formation is built up by massive quartz felsophyre, pitchstone porphyry and thin-bedded tuffaceous siliceous rocks. The Zhucun Formation is 1398 m thick.

Lithology Pattern: 
Volcanic ash

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

The base marked by rhyolitic agglomerate lava and massive dacitic vitric ignimbrite is distinguished from the underlying Jiuliping Fm marked by light gray yellow rhyolite porphyry and shows a conformable contact with the latter.

Upper contact

The top is bounded by the appearance of purple red massive conglomerate of the overlying Tangshang Fm, showing an unconformable contact with the latter.

Regional extent

The formation is distributed in the Longquan-Shangyu and Wencheng-Fenghua small areas of southeast Zhejiang. It varies considerably both in lithology and thickness. In the Longquan-Shangyu small area, it covers a limited area. In the Tiantou area to the east of Zhuji and to the south of Shaoxing, it is 1852.2 m thick; the lower part of the formation is dominated by intermediate lava with tuffaceous sandstone, with a thickness of 1046.5 m thick, while the upper part by intermediate and acidic, and acidic pyroclastic rocks with acidic lava and tuffaceous macroclastic sedimentary rocks, with a thickness of 805.7 m. In the Wencheng-Fenghua small area, the formation is confined to the volcanic depression. In the Shuiche-Baiyan area of Ninghai, it is 1398 m thick. Its lower part is built up by intermediate and acidic pyroclastic rocks; the middle part manly red beds with almost 100 m thick acidic pyroclastic rocks and 14 m thick basalt; while the upper part acidic volcanic pyroclastic rocks with purple red and yellow green siltstone and sediment tuff. In the Chashan of Ninghai, the formation is intercalated with blackish green basalt, andesitic breccia and dacitic porphyrite at the base and in the upper part. The formation is 356-1500 m thick. In Shuiche of Ninghai, it yields estherias Orthestheria intermedia, O. reniformis, etc.




The upper part of the formation yields estheria Yanjiestheria sinensis, Y. kyongsangensis, etc.


Pyroxene andesite collected from the upper part of the formation has given K-Ar age of 105 Ma. But conformably overlies Jiuping Fm, which was assigned as early Aptian => late Aptian used here.

Age Span: 

    Beginning stage: 

    Fraction up in beginning stage: 

    Beginning date (Ma): 

    Ending stage: 

    Fraction up in the ending stage: 

    Ending date (Ma):  

Depositional setting

It mainly belongs to volcanic accumulation, locally clastic deposition.

Depositional pattern:  

Additional Information


Wan Xiaoqiao